




Thrall Of The Warrior Witch

Autor: Lance Edwards
Editorial: Pink Flamingo Media
I.S.B.N: 9781945648786
Precio: $ 7890.83 / u$s 8.72
eBooks | EBook
Stock: Disponible
Tipo de producto: EBook
Tipo de restricciones: Ninguna

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The Sisterhood of the Oculus rules Shatra with mystic arts. The power required is sexually siphoned from sacrificial ejaculators. Yet endless generations of domination have sapped the vitality of the Empires males. Having achieved the means to abduct energy vessels from the fantastically advanced reality known as America, Empress Jia believes shes found a reprieve from her societys demise. Captured Californian Drake Green not only survives having his seed repeatedly leeched, he willingly thrives, wallowing in being victimized. If they can discover what makes this vessel so exceptional, fewer abductees will be needed, and the Sisterhood survives. Enthralled by the alluring warriorwitch Jia, Drake cannot but obey his brawnybeautiful new ruler. Despite the abhorrence of betraying his origins (and the surety that his aid is hastening his fatal replacement), the besotted sacrifice is forced to guide Jia on a predatory quest back to America. Inspired to find an endless supply of similarly vital men, the voracious succubus cuts a swathe through the LA fetish scene. Addicted to the lavish vitality of aggressivelybred men, Jia is content to stay and torment her pet indefinitely. The sadistic sorceress even attempts to augment their respective sexual equipment! Meanwhile Shatras peril swells apace. Its not until undue notoriety forces Jias attempted return that she learns the qualities they went in quest of may have been available all along and will be needed like never previous.