




Elizabethan Lover

Autor: Barbara Cartland
Editorial: Barbara Cartland
I.S.B.N: 9781782130031
Precio: $ 8718.81 / u$s 9.70
Materia: -Ficción y Literatura -> -Moderna y contemp (+1945)
eBooks | EBook
Stock: Disponible
Tipo de producto: EBook
Tipo de restricciones: Adobe DRM

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Having sailed with Sir Francis Drake, swashbuckling privateer Rodney Hawkhurst yearns for a galleon of his own with which to plunder the Spanish Main in the name of Queen Elizabeth. Seeking investment from Sir Harry Gillingham, he has a fleeting encounter with an elfin, tomboyish golden-red-haired beauty, Sir Harry's youngest daughter Lizbeth, and is bewitched by her limpid green eyes. Yet it is fair and golden-haired elder sister Phillida with whom he first falls in love. Rodney embarks on a voyage of blood, honour, and glory in which he gains great riches, but loses his heart, not once, but twice. The risks are great but so are the rewards: wealth beyond compare and, as Rodney finally discovers, a greater, deeper, more passionate love than he ever imagined possible.