




The Enchanted Opera

Autor: Novene Thomas
Editorial: Strategic Book Publishing And Rights Co.
I.S.B.N: 9781628577532
Precio: $ 3466.26 / u$s 3.86
Materia: -Infantil - Juvenil - Didáctico
Infantil y juvenil | EBook
Stock: Disponible
Tipo de producto: EBook
Tipo de restricciones: Adobe DRM

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Its show time at The Enchanted Opera. Maude is an opera singer whose voice has the talent to heal. On the night of an opera performance, she discovers that her human form has been transformed into a fairy, so she can no longer perform. Her rival, opera singer Angelique, is a dark sprite who cast a fairy spell on Maude so she cant heal people anymore with her melodious voice. Angelique wants to receive all the attention at the theater herself, so she uses an ancient fairy spell to rid herself of Maude. For many years Maude tries to regain her natural human body. She asks for help from two other opera singers, Jeanette and Zelda, who are also chorus members at the local Baptist church. They use an ancient fairy book of spells to counteract the first spell, as they battle the force of dark sprites who work for Angelique. Will Maude get her body back and be able to use her healing voice once again? The show must go on, but who will be performing?