




Tag, You're It!

Autor: Bobbie Cordero
Editorial: Eloquent Books
I.S.B.N: 9781606931189
Precio: $ 8678.69 / u$s 9.69
Materia: -Infantil - Juvenil - Didáctico
Infantil y juvenil | EBook
Stock: Disponible
Tipo de producto: EBook
Tipo de restricciones: Adobe DRM

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Hey! Look what I found! I should have known thered be trouble when I saw Judi standing there, holding a pick axe in her hand. If Id had any sense I would have gone home right then and there. But, being curious, I stayed. It would turn out to be one of those moments that could change your life forever. Thats how it always was with Judi and me. I can definitely say there was never a dull moment between us. And this instance was definitely no exception. As I turned to face the street, I heard a loud WHACK! Instantly I felt something warm trickle down my face like a fountain bubbling over I remember very little; a scream, Judis pale face and the look of horror on it. The next thing I remember is a lot of screaming and yelling by my aunt, who was conveying her displeasure to Judis mom. I could hear my aunt threatening that I would never play with Judi again. Would this be the end of our friendship? After everything weve been through? Suddenly I felt sick, and it was not just from the pain. 9781606930120 Randall,Caroline Y|JUV000000 en WORLD s 9,99 22 2009 eloquent-books Spunky's Special Friend Sometimes differences bring us together, rather than apart. Spunkys Special Friend is the story of an unlikely friendship between a puppy and a butterfly. This very special childrens story shows us how unimportant differences really are. It transcends race, creed and color, providing a necessary lesson in todays world. Spunkys adorable story features illustrations by the author and holds a special place in her heart. Maureen McGrath has been drawing the characters in her book since she was six years old. She now has grown children of her own. Spunkys Special Friend sends a moral message that will touch your childrens hearts as well. 9781606930458 9781606937358 McGrath,Maureen Julie Y|JUV000000 en WORLD s 9,99 24 2008 eloquent-books Tales of Toy World Tales of Toy World is a collection of short stories set in a land of make-believe. Journey through these pages with the jolly toy maker, Mr. Brown, and the loveable toys he has created. Read about their adventures in this entertaining selection of stories. Is there going to be a monster coming to live in Toy World? Will Bozo's friends come to his birthday party? Is Strawbelle truly the most beautiful toy in Toy World, or is she just a vain, ill-mannered doll? Lalitha Shetty fills these pages with their stories, while illustrator Lakshmi Shetty gives form to the adorable toys. Together, they present a delightful world. So whether you read to yourself or read aloud with loved ones, let your imagination soar. 9781606930557 9781609111571 Shetty,Lalitha Y|JUV000000 en WORLD s 9,99 48 2008 eloquent-books Grumpy Goo, I Love You Although two-year-olds can be a handful at times, as this mother finds out, being a mom is the best job in the world, even if things dont work out the way you planned. A delightful and brilliantly illustrated story, Grumpy Goo I Love You is sure to be one of your childs favorite stories. 9781606931127 Skougaard,Shari Y|JUV000000 en WORLD s 9,99 24 2009 eloquent-books That's Just the Way It Is This story is told through the fresh and simple style of a 5 year old little girl. The story shows the real life situation that is the result of shared parenting and how a father's impact can remain consistent, positive and invaluable in the life of his child. It conveys the unselfish, involved, loving nurturing, and critical relationship between a father and his daughter. It gives the message that even though a child may find themselves in a separated or divorce situation, that she can find a way to better accept life, divorce ,separate homes and that all of these situations can be ok. The words and actions show that the little girl has learned that a lot of things in her life are a certain way and she accepts it as That's Just The Way It Is."