




Acceptance, Recognition, And Control (a.r.c.) Against Depression

Autor: Ray J Dodkins
Editorial: Strategic Book Publishing And Rights Co.
I.S.B.N: 9781631354533
Precio: $ 4335.00 / u$s 4.84
Materia: -Salud y desarrollo personal -> -Autoayuda y desarrollo personal
eBooks | EBook
Stock: Disponible
Tipo de producto: EBook
Tipo de restricciones: Adobe DRM

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Acceptance, Recognition, and Control (A.R.C.) Against Depression was written to trigger understanding in men about surviving depression. In the beginning, I found myself without a partner. A month later, I had no job, leaving me with a mortgage payment that placed a huge emotional and financial burden on me. When I eventually approached the government for assistance, the emotional disturbance was so great that they put me in a two-year counselling program. This helped, but provided no real understanding of my problems. Even after obtaining work, I still didnt understand why or what was happening to me. After emotional searching, I eventually put pen to paper to record my personal awareness of what developed within me as a man, and how it affected the way I reacted and felt. The three steps to defeating depression begin with Acceptance, Recognition, and Control.